Friday, June 29, 2018

v present participle

v present participle

The present participle in Estonian is formed by added the suffix -v to the stem of the -ma infinitive. It is used as an adjective, similar to the adjectival use of -ing in English.

kasvama grow
stem = kasva-
present participle = kasvav growing

kasvav poiss, puu growing boy, tree

It can also be translated by a relative clause:

kasvav poiss, puu the boy/tree that grows/is growing

(Note that this similarity to the English -ing is different from the gerund, which is formed by adding the -des forms to the -da infinitive. We have already discussed this in this post, back in February.)

Some more examples:

-ma Infinitive ------------------- -v Participle

luge/ma read ------------------- luge/v reading
�ppi/ma study ------------------- �ppi/v studying
t��ta/ma work ------------------- t��ta/v working
lenda/ma fly ------------------- lenda/v flying

T��tav ema A working mother Lendav lind A flying bird R��mustav uudis A gladdening bit of news "Lendav hollandlane" "Flying Dutchman"

Note that the names for the cases (k��ned) in Estonian employ this suffix. For example, nimetav k��ne naming case (nominative), omastav k��ne owning case (genitive), saav k��ne becoming case (translative). Their names are far more transparent than their English counterparts which come from Latin.

Being primarily used to describe a noun the ending is declined like an other adjective. The genitive form always ends in -a.

�ppiv laps studying child
�ppiva lapse of the studying child
�ppivale lapsele for the studying child

If the stem of the -ma infinitive ends in a consonant, for example jooksma run (stem = jooks) then an -e is inserted between the stem and the participle ending to ease pronunciation.

jooks/ev t�druk running girl


jooksva t�druk/una as a running girl

Kestev m�ju A lasting influence Kestvad lokid Lasting curls
Jooksev vesi Running water Jooksval lindil On a running (assembly) line

If the final consonant of the stem follows a short vowel, this consonant is doubled before the participle ending -ev.

nutma cry
stem = nut-
nuttev beebi a crying baby

Note, however:

nutvad beebid crying babies (no need for -ev ending and thus no doubling of the consonant)

tappev p�ld killing field
tapvad p�llud killing fields

There is also the passive present participle that ends in -dav or -tav. It often corresponds to the -ible and -able endings of English adjectives.

S��dav seen edible mushroom
Joodav vesi drinkable water (not to be confused with joogivesi drinking water)
N�htav enamus A visible majority
Elukardetav relv Lethal weapon (lit. life endangering firearm)
Raskesti arusaadav Hardly understandable

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