Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Smart Call Team A Cisco OnePK Collaboration Demo

Smart Call Team A Cisco OnePK Collaboration Demo

This is a demonstration to quickly demo what a OnePK application could do.  The java application is based on the tutorial application in the all-in-one VM downloaded from the Cisco DevNet.

The OnePK java application will monitor the OnePK enabled router interface status.  When a link down event is detected, it will trigger an API call to call all the experts to deal with this emergency situation, and the experts can receive this call with any endpoints, including Jabber on mobile.

These are the equipments used for this demonstration:
- OnePK All in One VM, with Java application loaded
- One IOS router with OnePK enabled
- Jabber on iPhone
- SX20
- EX90
- CMR (video infrastructure, including virtual TPS)